Observations by Virginia

Every February I sit down at my typewriter with the same surprise--here we go again on another year. In this case we are starting our 9th year. I didn't believe it possible in the fifth year and I haven't for the 6th, 7th, 8th and now the 9th. I'm inclined to increase in surprise at each anniversary. And yet I dont really know why I am surprised. Surely enough new things happen to justify and explain our continuity each year. I guess it's just that I still have a bit of the old isolationism that I used to have and which many of you have buried inside you too, namely that this whole bit must be limited to just a few of us and it is a continual surprise to realize that it is not. Of course I have known intellectually for years that it was a wide spread phenomenon, but knowing and feeling emotionally are two different things. Anyway here we are again and still going strong.

You will have already noticed the new cover on this issue. I have decided to discontinue Cover Girls as such, substituting instead a "Leading Lady" with a full page frontispiece as you have found in this issue. This means that we will have a standard front cover layout which can be printed up for a number of issues at a time thus saving costs. More- over it will save me from the hair pulling worry that has sometimes beset me when girls who were sel- ected for Cover Girl did not get their stories in on time. I owe my thanks to the Leading Lady of this issue who was originally scheduled for #50 for stepping into the breach in a hurry to fill in for the one who did not come through as planned.